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A World With Untrustworthy Doctors

I was doing my daily journal entry yesterday. One thought led to another and this question popped into my mind.

Can we trust our doctors?

It’s a very random thought, but a potentially scary one too. Imagine what our lives would be like if we can’t even rely on doctors to help us when something goes wrong with our bodies.

So I decided to look that question up to see what other people think of it.

I’ve seen some interesting answers. What shocked me the most was an article explaining why you shouldn’t trust a doctor, written by a doctor himself.

While it was an interesting read, I read a response from another article that said….

“The real issue is not which doctors can be trusted, but which conditions are such that you can trust any doctor and which conditions are so significant and so difficult to manage that they require going to a particular—especially competent—physician.”

To put it in plain English, when it comes to general, common conditions like a cough, cold, or mild infection, you can trust any doctor to take care of them. But when it comes to more complex problems, it’s better to see a doctor who specializes in dealing with those specific problems.

It makes a lot of sense, and it applies to business too.

For examples:

If you need help with Facebook ads, you don’t want to ask the digital marketing generalist for advice. You want to go to the person who’s been studying and using Facebook ads for years.

If you need help finding leads on LinkedIn, consider going to a LinkedIn marketing agency.

If you’re looking to improve your email copy, work with an email copywriter.

You get the point.

Or if you want to do some self-studying, download the free sample chapters of the new $20 email copywriting book, "How to Become an Email Titan."

Just use this link.

About the author:

Hi, I'm Ellisen and I'm a copywriter. I help businesses make more sales by building relationships with their audience through old fashioned email. If you found this reading helpful, there are more tips like these waiting to be read at When you go there, you can opt in for daily copywriting, email marketing, and business tips. I'll also send you free sample chapters of my $20 retail value book called "How to Become an Email Titan." It teaches you how to write email copy that your subscribers will never get enough of and will make them want to buy from you. If you don't want to optin, you can also read through my blog and listen to my audios for more marketing content.